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Must-Know Trivia Nuggets about Kazakhstan 🇰🇿

Must-Know Trivia Nuggets about Kazakhstan 🇰🇿


Where is Kazakhstan located?

Kazakhstan is located in Central Asia and is bordered by Russia to the north, China to the east, Kyrgyzstan to the southeast, Uzbekistan to the south, and Turkmenistan to the southwest. It also shares a portion of its western border with the Caspian Sea.

What is the highest mountain peak in Kazakhstan?

Khan Tengri, 7,010 meters (23,000 feet)

Kazakhstan borders nine other countries. Can you name the largest one by land area?


The Aral Sea was once the world's fourth-largest lake. What is its current state?

Severely shrunk and divided into several smaller lakes due to irrigation projects

Kazakhstan boasts a diverse landscape. What are the three main physical regions?

1. Kazakh Steppe, 2. Tien Shan mountains, 3. Turan Lowland

History & Culture:

Nauryz is a major Kazakh holiday celebrating the New Year. When is it usually observed?

March 21st, coinciding with the spring equinox

The dombra is a cherished Kazakh musical instrument. What kind of string instrument is it?

A two-stringed fretted lute

Yurts are traditional dwelling structures used by nomadic Kazakh people. What materials are they typically made of?

Wood, felt, and animal skins

Falconry has been a significant part of Kazakh culture for centuries. What bird species are traditionally used for hunting?

Saker falcons

Kazakhstan has a diverse population with over 130 ethnic groups. Which two groups are the largest?

1. Kazakhs, 2. Russians

Arts & Literature:

Abai Qunanbaiuli is considered the "father of Kazakh literature." Which of his works is most famous?

The Book of Words, a philosophical prose collection

Traditional Kazakh storytelling often features "dombraqshy," who are?

Storytellers and singers who accompany themselves on the dombra

The Baiterek Tower in Nur-Sultan is a modern landmark. What does its symbolic design represent?

A sprouting tree reaching towards the sun, signifying growth and rebirth

Kazakh cinema has seen a rise in international recognition in recent years. What film won the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival in 2007?

"Tulpan" by Sergei Dvortsevoy

"Borat" is a controversial comedic film featuring a fictional Kazakh journalist. Does it accurately portray Kazakh culture and society?

No, the film is primarily a satirical work with exaggerated stereotypes and does not reflect the true diversity and depth of Kazakhstan.

Flora & Fauna:

The Caspian Sea is home to the Caspian seal, a unique species only found in this body of water. What is another interesting animal found in Kazakhstan?

The saiga antelope, known for its distinctive large nose

The Tien Shan mountains are home to diverse plant life. What type of tree is featured on the Kazakh national emblem?

The apple tree, symbolizing fertility and prosperity

The Great Bustard is a large bird found in the Kazakh steppe. What makes it special?

It is the heaviest flying bird in the world, capable of reaching weights of up to 20 kg (44 lb)

The Almaty Botanic Garden is a vast collection of plants from around the world. What unique feature does it boast?

It contains a section dedicated to apple trees, showcasing thousands of varieties from different regions

Lake Kaindy in the Tien Shan mountains is a popular tourist destination. What caused its unique formation?

A massive earthquake in 1911 created a landslide that blocked the valley, forming the lake

Modern Kazakhstan:

What year did Kazakhstan gain independence from the Soviet Union?


What is the largest city in Kazakhstan and its former capital?

Almaty served as the capital of Kazakhstan until 1997, when it was moved to the newly built city of Nur-Sultan (formerly Astana).

Kazakhstan has significant reserves of natural resources. Which valuable mineral is it the world's leading exporter of?


The Bayterek Tower in Nur-Sultan is not just a landmark, but also houses a unique observation deck. What can you see from the top?

Panoramic views of the city, including the Ishim River and the surrounding mountains

Kazakhstan is undergoing rapid modernization. What is one of the country's ambitious development projects?

"Kazakhstan 2050" is a long-term strategy aiming to transform the country into a high-income, innovative economy

As an emerging space power, Kazakhstan has its own space agency. What was the name of the first Kazakh-born cosmonaut?

Aiman Mussinov, who flew aboard the Soyuz TM-20 spacecraft in 1994

Sports are popular in Kazakhstan. What is the national sport?


Kazakhstan hosted the prestigious Expo 2017 in Nur-Sultan. What was the theme of the expo?

"Future Energy: Energy for Life"

The country boasts a vibrant music scene. Which genre is particularly popular among young people?

Kazakh hip-hop

Looking to the future, what are some major challenges Kazakhstan faces?

Diversifying the economy beyond oil and gas, addressing environmental concerns, and promoting political and social reforms are some of the key challenges facing the country.