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What are some interesting trivia facts about Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬?

What are some interesting trivia facts about Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬?


Where is Papua New Guinea located?

Papua New Guinea is located in Oceania, occupying the eastern half of the island of New Guinea. It is situated just north of Australia and shares the island with the Indonesian province of West Papua.

What is the highest mountain in Papua New Guinea?

Mount Wilhelm, reaching 4,509 meters (14,763 ft)

How many islands make up Papua New Guinea?

Over 600 islands, including the Bismarck Archipelago and Bougainville

What is the name of the capital city of Papua New Guinea?

Port Moresby

What is the official currency of Papua New Guinea?

The Papua New Guinean kina


What is the national bird of Papua New Guinea?

The magnificent Bird of Paradise, known for its vibrant plumage and elaborate courtship displays

Which unique marsupial can be found only in the forests of Papua New Guinea?

The Tree-kangaroo, adapted for climbing and gliding through the canopy

What is the world's largest butterfly found in Papua New Guinea?

Queen Alexandra's Birdwing, with a wingspan reaching 27 centimeters (10.6 inches)

How many unique languages are spoken in Papua New Guinea?

Over 800, making it one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world

What is the largest rainforest in the world after the Amazon?

The New Guinean rainforest, covering over 70% of the island and harboring countless species

Culture and History:

What type of traditional adornment is worn by men in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea during ceremonies?

Elaborate feather headpieces, often incorporating bird-of-paradise plumes

What is the name of the traditional spirit masks used in rituals and performances in various parts of Papua New Guinea?

Totem masks, representing ancestral spirits and cultural significance

What is the main food staple for most Papua New Guineans?

Sweet potato, cultivated in diverse varieties across the country

What is the traditional sport played with a mud-covered rugby ball in Papua New Guinea?

Mudgu, a messy and energetic game enjoyed in villages and towns

What is the name of the largest cargo cult movement in Papua New Guinea's history?

The Manus Vision, based on prophecies of technological advancements and cultural renewal

Modern Life and Challenges:

What is the main export of Papua New Guinea?

Gold, followed by copper and other mineral resources

What are some of the major challenges faced by Papua New Guinea in the 21st century?

Poverty, deforestation, biodiversity loss, and the impact of climate change

What is the traditional form of village leadership in many parts of Papua New Guinea?

Big Men, influential individuals who gain status through wealth and generosity

What is the percentage of the population in Papua New Guinea who live in rural areas?

Over 80%, with many communities relying on subsistence farming and fishing

What is the name of the national song of Papua New Guinea?

"O Papua New Guinea," adopted in 1975 at the time of independence

Bonus Round:

What is the nickname for the traditional bilum bags woven by women in Papua New Guinea?

"String bags," known for their practicality and colorful designs

What is the traditional dance performed by men in the Sepik region, involving mud masks and elaborate costumes?

Tambaran, celebrating fertility and connection to the spirit world

What is the name of the unique musical instrument made from bamboo in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea?

Kundu, used to create vibrant rhythms and melodies