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Want to impress your friends with Rwanda 🇷🇼 trivia? Start here!

Want to impress your friends with Rwanda 🇷🇼 trivia? Start here!

Geography: Where is Rwanda located?

Rwanda is located in East Africa, bordered by Uganda to the north, Tanzania to the east, Burundi to the south, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west. It is a landlocked country situated in the African Great Lakes region.

Geography: What nickname is often used to describe Rwanda's hilly landscape?

Land of a Thousand Hills

Biodiversity: In which iconic national park can you find mountain gorillas in their natural habitat?

Volcanoes National Park

Language: Besides Kinyarwanda, what other official language is spoken in Rwanda?


History: What tragic event occurred in 1994, leaving a lasting mark on Rwanda's history?

The Rwandan Genocide

Culture: During which annual event do Rwandans come together to remember and honor genocide victims?

Kwibuka, the national commemoration of the genocide

Economy: What commodity is Rwanda's leading export, contributing significantly to its economic growth?

Coltan, a mineral used in electronics

Government: Following the genocide, which political party has dominated Rwandan politics?

The Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)

Music: In Rwandan tradition, what instrument is played and often associated with female performers?

The Inanga, a harp-like instrument

Cuisine: What staple food is eaten almost daily by Rwandans and forms the base of many dishes?

Ubugali, a porridge made from sorghum or cassava flour

Sports: Which sport is popular in Rwanda and played barefoot on a red clay court?

Igitaramo, a traditional wrestling sport

Art: What unique art form involves using cow dung to create intricate designs on walls and floors?

Ibyimana, Rwandan dung painting

Wildlife: Besides mountain gorillas, what other notable primate species lives in Rwanda's forests?

Golden monkeys

Coffee: Renowned for its quality, what region in Rwanda is known for producing the highly prized "Bourbon Arabica" coffee?

The Musanze district

Traditions: What custom involves men offering gifts to women they admire or wish to court?

Gusura, the giving of milk gourds or other symbolic gifts

Education: What remarkable initiative provides free education to all Rwandan children, including orphaned survivors of the genocide?

The Education For All program

Sustainability: Which environmental project has transformed barren hillsides into green, productive landscapes?

The One Million Trees campaign

Festivals: During Umuganura, what do Rwandans celebrate and share with their communities?

The harvest season and giving thanks for bounty

Dance: What energetic dance involves intricate footwork and storytelling through movement?

Intore, a traditional Rwandan war dance

Literature: Which Rwandan author's powerful book, "A Thousand Hills to Heaven," narrates the story of the genocide through a child's eyes?

Jean-Pierre Karegeye

Gender Equality: Rwanda boasts one of the highest percentages of women in parliament globally. What percentage of seats do women hold?

Over 60%

Technology: Kigali, the capital city, is known for its clean streets and green spaces. What innovative initiative helps maintain sanitation and collect waste?

The "Green Patrol" of bicycle-riding waste collectors

Entrepreneurship: Rwanda is ranked as one of the easiest places in Africa to do business. What government program aims to empower Rwandans through entrepreneurship and innovation?

The National Strategy for Transformation (NST1)

Healthcare: Rwanda has achieved significant progress in reducing child mortality rates. What initiative plays a key role in providing healthcare access to rural communities?

The Community Based Health Insurance scheme (CBHI)

Peacebuilding: Following the genocide, reconciliation and unity became core national values. What is the name of the Rwandan commission dedicated to promoting peace and healing?

The National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC)