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Fun Trivia About Djibouti 🇩🇯

Fun Trivia About Djibouti 🇩🇯

1. Where is Haiti located?

Haiti is located in the Caribbean, sharing the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic. It is situated to the west of the Dominican Republic.

2. What does the name "Haiti" mean in the indigenous Taíno language?

"Land of High Mountains"

3. In what year did Haiti gain independence, becoming the world's first independent black republic?


4. Who were the leaders of the Haitian Revolution, defeating French colonial rule?

Toussaint Louverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, and Henri Christophe

5. What is the official language of Haiti?

French and Haitian Creole

6. What is the most popular sport in Haiti?


7. What is the traditional Haitian minibus called?


8. What is the national dish of Haiti?

Djon-djon, a black mushroom stew

9. What unique instrument is often used in Haitian Vodou ceremonies?

The Rara, a bamboo scraper

10. What is the tallest mountain peak in Haiti?

Pic Bois Gueux, reaching 2,372 meters (7,782 feet)

11. What is the currency of Haiti?

The Haitian gourde

12. What UNESCO World Heritage Site is located in Haiti?

The Citadelle Laferrière, a mountaintop fortress built by King Henri Christophe

13. What natural disaster significantly impacted Haiti in 2010?

The devastating earthquake that claimed over 200,000 lives

14. What renowned Haitian painter is known for his vibrant, naive art style?

Hector Hyppolite

15. What is the official religion of Haiti?

Roman Catholicism, though Vodou holds strong cultural significance

16. What traditional Haitian festival celebrates spirits and ancestors?

Fête-Dieu, also known as Corpus Christi

17. What popular Haitian carnival takes place in the towns of Jacmel and Port-Salut?

Kanaval (Mardi Gras)

18. What type of martial art originated in Haiti and incorporates dance and combat?


19. What Haitian author earned the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1971?

Jacques Stephen Alexis

20. What fruit is native to Haiti and known for its sweet, tangy flavor?

Soursop (Graviola)

21. What type of rum is produced in Haiti?

Barbancourt, known for its smooth taste and rich history

22. What Haitian artist and activist founded the "Art for the World" movement?

Michel Basquiat

23. What is the motto of Haiti?

"L'Union Fait la Force" (Unity Makes Strength)

24. What iconic landmark overlooks the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince?

The Iron Market (Marché de Fer)

25. What national park in Haiti protects a unique ecosystem of dry forests and limestone cliffs?

La Visite National Park

26. What type of coffee is grown in Haiti?

Arabica, known for its complex flavor and strong aroma

27. What traditional Haitian dance showcases intricate footwork and storytelling?


28. What Haitian musical genre gained popularity in the 1960s with its blend of rhythm and social commentary?


29. What iconic Haitian street food is made with fried plantains and topped with various fillings?

Bannan Pèzè (fried plantain chips)

30. What Haitian proverb emphasizes resilience and perseverance?

"Pitit pyès ka fè gwo mòn" (Little by little, a small pebble builds a great mountain)