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25 Unique Trivia About Dominica 🇩🇲

25 Unique Trivia About Dominica 🇩🇲
1. Geography

Where is Dominica located?

Dominica is located in the Caribbean Sea and is part of the Lesser Antilles archipelago. It is situated between the French overseas region of Guadeloupe to the north and the independent island of Martinique to the south.

What is the highest mountain in Dominica?

Mount Diablotin, rising 1,447 meters (4,747 feet) above sea level.

2. Nicknames

What are two nicknames for Dominica that reflect its natural beauty?

The Nature Island and the Emerald Isle.

3. Waterfalls

Dominica boasts the second-highest concentration of waterfalls in the world. How many named waterfalls are there?

Over 300.

4. World Biosphere Reserve

In 1997, what UNESCO designation did Dominica receive, recognizing its unique biodiversity?

A World Biosphere Reserve.

5. Language

What is the official language of Dominica?


6. Creole

Dominicans also speak a French-based Creole. What is it called?

Dominican Creole.

7. Pre-Columbian History

What indigenous people were the first inhabitants of Dominica?

The Kalinago (Carib) people.

8. Independence

When did Dominica gain independence from the United Kingdom?

November 3, 1978.

9. National Bird

The Sisserou parrot is a symbol of Dominica. What unique feature does it have?

It is the only parrot in the world with blue feathers.

10. National Flower

What is the national flower of Dominica, known for its vibrant yellow blossoms?

The Sisserou parrot flower (Heliconia caribaea).

11. Slogan

Dominica's tourism slogan is "Discover the Nature Island." What is another word often used to describe the island?


12. Boiling Lake

The world's second-largest boiling lake is found in Dominica. What is its name?

The Boiling Lake.

13. Emerald Pool

This popular natural pool is one of Dominica's most beautiful waterfalls. What gives it its green color?

Sulfur and minerals from the surrounding volcanic landscape.

14. Hiking

Dominica offers several scenic hiking trails. What is the name of the island's longest trail?

Waitukubuli National Trail.

15. Scuba Diving

With reefs teeming with marine life, what area of Dominica is a scuba diving paradise?

The Scott's Head Marine Park.

16. Carnival

Dominica's vibrant Carnival takes place in February or March. What is a popular feature of the celebrations?

Costumes and masks representing traditional characters like Dame Lorraine and Jab Jab.

17. Music

What is the national dance of Dominica, known for its fast tempo and lively rhythms?


18. Agriculture

What is Dominica's main agricultural export?


19. Currency

What is the official currency of Dominica?

The Eastern Caribbean dollar (EC$).

20. Population

Approximately how many people live in Dominica?

Around 72,000.

21. Government

Dominica has a parliamentary republic system. What is the title of the head of state?


22. Prime Minister

Who is the head of government in Dominica?

The Prime Minister.

23. National Dish

What is the traditional national dish of Dominica, featuring boiled green bananas and saltfish?

Callaloo soup.

24. Sports

Cricket is a popular sport in Dominica. What is the name of the national cricket team?

The Windward Islands Volcanoes.

25. Festivals

The World Creole Music Festival is a major cultural event in Dominica. When is it usually held?

October or November.

26. Location

Where is Dominica located?

Dominica is located in the Caribbean region and is situated south-southeast of Guadeloupe and northwest of Martinique. It is part of the Windward Islands in the Lesser Antilles archipelago.