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Fun Trivia About Equatorial Guinea 🇬🇶

Fun Trivia About Equatorial Guinea 🇬🇶

Geography and Nature:

Where is Equatorial Guinea located?

Equatorial Guinea is located on the west coast of Central Africa. It is bordered by Cameroon to the north and Gabon to the south and east. It also has coastline along the Atlantic Ocean.

What is the capital city of Equatorial Guinea?

Malabo, located on Bioko Island.

Which island boasts the highest mountain in Equatorial Guinea?

Pico Basilé on Annobón Island, rising 1,324 meters.

What type of tropical rainforest covers much of Equatorial Guinea?

Guineo-Congolian moist lowland forests, rich in biodiversity.

What endangered primate species can be found in Equatorial Guinea's forests?

The western lowland gorilla, facing habitat loss and hunting threats.

What unique volcanic feature can be found near Bioko Island?

El Gran Basán, an underwater volcanic caldera, considered one of the largest in the world.

History and Culture:

What was the colonial history of Equatorial Guinea?

It was a Spanish colony for over 500 years, gaining independence in 1968.

What are the official languages of Equatorial Guinea?

Spanish and French, reflecting its colonial past.

What indigenous language group is most widespread in Equatorial Guinea?

The Bantu group, with Fang languages being the most spoken.

What traditional mask, used in Fang ceremonies, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

The Ngil mask, representing malevolent spirits.

What musical instrument is central to Bubi musical traditions?

The mvet, a stringed instrument with symbolic and healing significance.

What annual festival celebrates Equatorial Guinea's independence?

The Independence Day celebrations on October 12th, featuring parades and cultural performances.

Politics and Economy:

What type of government does Equatorial Guinea have?

It's a presidential republic, with the president holding significant executive power.

What is the currency of Equatorial Guinea?

The Central African CFA Franc (XAF).

What is the main source of income for Equatorial Guinea?

Oil and gas production, though income distribution remains unequal.

What challenges does Equatorial Guinea face in terms of human development?

Poverty, income inequality, limited access to education and healthcare.

What environmental concerns are present in Equatorial Guinea?

Deforestation, oil spills, and unsustainable fishing practices threaten biodiversity and ecosystems.

Fun Facts:

What nickname does Equatorial Guinea have, due to its mainland and island territories?

The "Continental and Insular Guinea."

What unusual food delicacy can be found in Equatorial Guinea?

Mocafongo, a type of roasted caterpillar, considered a protein source in some regions.

What unique sport is popular in Equatorial Guinea?

Palaboteo, a game involving hitting a small ball back and forth with paddles, similar to table tennis.

What iconic landmark can be found on Bioko Island?

Basílica de Nuestra Señora de La Soledad, a large cathedral known for its colonial architecture.

What national park on Bioko Island protects primates and rainforests?

Gran Bosque de Equatorial Guinea National Park.

What literary figure wrote a novel inspired by his time in Equatorial Guinea?

Chinua Achebe, whose "A Man of the People" explores political turmoil in a fictional African country.

What international football player has roots in Equatorial Guinea?

Iker Casillas, the former Spanish goalkeeper, has ancestry from Bioko Island.

What unique tradition involves naming newborns after specific days of the week?

The Fang people traditionally give names based on the day of the week a child is born.