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Surprising Trivia Facts about Jordan 🇯🇴

Surprising Trivia Facts about Jordan 🇯🇴

Geography and History

Where is Jordan located?

Jordan is located in the Middle East and is bordered by Syria to the north, Iraq to the northeast, Saudi Arabia to the east and south, and Israel and the West Bank to the west. It also shares a short coastline along the northern edge of the Dead Sea.

What is the capital city of Jordan?


Which famous sea borders Jordan to the east?

The Dead Sea

What ancient civilization carved the iconic city of Petra into the cliffs?

The Nabataeans

What river flows through the Jordan Valley, forming a natural border with Israel?

The Jordan River

Jordan gained independence from which country in 1946?

The United Kingdom

The Great Rift Valley runs through part of Jordan. What major landmark features this valley?

The Dead Sea and Wadi Rum desert

What UNESCO World Heritage Sites can be found in Jordan?

Petra, Wadi Rum, Ummayad City of Madaba, Baptism Site at Bethany Beyond the Jordan

Which modern country is considered the historical region of Edom, once ruled by ancient kings?


What ancient Roman city in Jordan is famous for its well-preserved amphitheater and Jerash Festival?


Culture and Traditions

What is the predominant religion in Jordan?


What popular folk dance is often performed at weddings and celebrations in Jordan?


Mansaf is a national dish of Jordan. What is the main ingredient?

Lamb cooked in yogurt

Arabic coffee is often served in Jordan using small, unique pots. What are these pots called?


What traditional headwear for men is often seen in Jordan?

Keffiyeh (checkered scarf)

Jordanian hospitality is known for its generosity. What traditional beverage is commonly offered to guests?

Chai (strong black tea)

What traditional instrument is often used in Jordanian music?

Oud (lute)

The Jerash Festival showcases traditional arts and performances. What type of traditional dance can be seen at this festival?

Dabke and debkah (both circle dances)

The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in which region of Jordan?

The Judean Desert, near the Dead Sea

The Madaba Map is a famous mosaic found in Jordan. What does it depict?

A 6th-century map of the Holy Land

Nature and Wildlife

What unique biosphere reserve found in Jordan is home to rare species like the Nubian ibex and Syrian wild ass?

Dana Biosphere Reserve

The Azraq Wetland Reserve in Jordan is known for its rich birdlife. What migratory bird species is a major draw for birdwatchers?

The black-crowned crane

What is the highest mountain in Jordan?

Mount Um Adhami (Jebel Umm ad-Dami)

The Wadi Rum desert is a popular destination for what outdoor activities?

Hiking, trekking, rock climbing, jeep tours

What rare species of wild cat can be found in the mountains of Jordan?

The caracal

The Dead Sea is known for its high salt content. What unique feature does this create?

It allows people to float effortlessly due to buoyancy

Some areas of Jordan experience flash floods in the winter. What natural formations in these areas can cause sudden water surges?

Wadis (dry riverbeds that fill with water after rain)

The Black Sea is not actually black. What other name is it commonly known by in Jordan and surrounding countries?

The Mediterranean Sea

What endangered wild sheep species can be found in the mountains of Jordan?

The Arabian tahr

Wadi Rum desert is also known by which names?

Valley of the Moon: Due to its otherworldly landscape of towering sandstone formations and reddish sands, resembling the surface of the moon. Lawrence's Desert: Lawrence of Arabia famously used this area as a base during the Arab Revolt.