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Did you know these fascinating trivia tidbits about Lebanon 🇱🇧?

Did you know these fascinating trivia tidbits about Lebanon 🇱🇧?

Geography and History

Where is Lebanon located?

Lebanon is located in the Middle East and is bordered by Syria to the north and east, and Israel to the south. It has a coastline along the Mediterranean Sea to the west.

What is the nickname for the Lebanese national football team?

The Cedars, due to Lebanon's national symbol, the Cedar tree.

What is the highest point in Lebanon?

Qurnat as Sawda ("Horn of the Black"), reaching 3,088 meters (10,131 feet).

Which ancient city in Lebanon boasts one of the oldest continuously inhabited towns in the world?

Byblos, continuously inhabited for over 7,000 years.

What was Lebanon called during the Roman Empire?

Phoenicia, known for its seafaring merchants and purple dye.

In what year did Lebanon gain independence from France?

November 22, 1943.

Culture and Traditions

What is the official language of Lebanon?

Arabic, with French as a secondary language spoken by many.

What is the national dish of Lebanon?

Manousheh, a flatbread topped with za'atar, olive oil, and sometimes other ingredients.

What traditional dance is often performed at weddings and celebrations in Lebanon?

Dabke, a line dance involving synchronized steps and clapping.

What is Lebanon's nickname, reflecting its diverse religions and cultures?

The Switzerland of the East.

What famous singer of Lebanese descent has won multiple Grammy Awards?


Food and Fun Facts

What is the main ingredient in hummus, a beloved Lebanese dip?

Mashed chickpeas, blended with tahini, olive oil, and spices.

What unusual ingredient sometimes finds its way into Lebanese desserts?

Rosewater, offering a delicate floral flavor.

Lebanon has the highest reserve of what mineral in the Middle East?


Beirut was named the World Book Capital in which year?


How many official UNESCO World Heritage Sites are there in Lebanon?

Three: Baalbek, Byblos, and Tyre.

Arts and Architecture

What ancient temple complex in Lebanon is dedicated to Jupiter?

The Roman ruins of Baalbek, known for its massive columns and intricate stonework.

What traditional musical instrument is often used in Lebanese folk music?

The oud, a stringed instrument with a pear-shaped body.

What famous Lebanese poet was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1926?

Gibran Khalil Gibran, known for his mystical and philosophical writings.

Beirut's vibrant art scene thrives in what area nicknamed "Beirut SoHo"?

Gemmayze, known for its galleries, boutiques, and nightlife.

What renowned Lebanese architect designed the modern additions to the Louvre Museum in Paris?

Ieoh Ming Pei.

Modern Life and Challenges

What is the current currency of Lebanon?

The Lebanese pound, although its value has fluctuated significantly in recent years.

What natural disaster significantly impacted Lebanon in 2020?

The Beirut port explosion, causing widespread damage and casualties.

Lebanon has a multi-confessional government with representation from 18 different religious groups. What is this system called?

The National Pact, aimed at maintaining sectarian balance in the country.

What environmental challenge does Lebanon face due to its limited freshwater resources?

Water scarcity, with reliance on groundwater and desalination plants.

Despite challenges, Lebanon boasts a strong entrepreneurial spirit. What nickname reflects this resilience?

The Phoenix City, rising from the ashes of past hardships.

Bonus Questions

What famous dish from nearby Syria is also popular in Lebanon?

Tabbouleh, a salad made with bulgur, parsley, tomatoes, and fresh herbs.

What popular drink with roots in Lebanon has become a global favorite?

Arak, an anise-flavored spirit traditionally distilled from grapes.

Lebanon is home to numerous archaeological treasures. Can you name the ancient city famous for its Roman amphitheater and necropolis?

Jeita, boasting an impressive Roman amphitheater and extensive underground necropolis.