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Did you know these fascinating trivia tidbits about Malawi 🇲🇼?

Did you know these fascinating trivia tidbits about Malawi 🇲🇼?

Where is Malawi located?

Malawi is located in Southeast Africa and is bordered by Tanzania to the north, northeast, and east, Mozambique to the south, southwest, and west, and Zambia to the northwest. It is a landlocked country.

Which breathtaking lake dominates Malawi's landscape, earning it the nickname "Warm Heart of Africa"?

Lake Malawi

Mount Mulanje, the highest peak in Malawi, is known for its dramatic cliffs and unique vegetation. What nickname does it have?

The Island in the Sky

What iconic waterfall on the Shire River plunges into a dramatic gorge, known as "Smoke That Thunders"?

Victoria Falls

(Correction: Victoria Falls is not in Malawi. The intended waterfall is likely Kachasse)

Malawi is divided into three regions. Can you name them?

The Northern Region, the Central Region, and the Southern Region

Culture and History

What distinct traditional dance is performed by men, featuring acrobatics and painted bodies?

Gule Wamkulu (the Great Dance)

Known as "the Warm Heart of Africa," Malawi is renowned for its friendly and welcoming spirit. What greeting is commonly used in Chichewa, the main language?

"Moni!" (translates to "Hello!")

Before gaining independence in 1964, what name did Malawi have under British colonial rule?

Nyasaland Protectorate

Which iconic musician, dubbed the "Madonna of Malawi," gained international fame for her blend of Malawian traditions and pop music?

Sandrah Kalunde

Malawi boasts diverse artistic traditions. What type of colorful woven baskets are popular souvenirs and practical household items?

Ntengwa baskets

Wildlife and Environment

Lake Malawi is renowned for its incredible biodiversity, housing over 1,000 species of fish. What unique type of fish are only found in this lake?

Mbuna cichlids

Malawi is home to several national parks and wildlife reserves. Which reserve protects lions, elephants, and zebras in the Majete River Valley?

Majete Wildlife Reserve

The Miombo woodlands are an important ecosystem in Malawi. What valuable resource do these woodlands provide to local communities?

Mopane trees, used for firewood and furniture construction

Conservation efforts play a crucial role in protecting Malawi's wildlife. What endangered primate species is found in Nyungwe Forest National Park?

The black and white colobus monkey

Deforestation and climate change pose threats to Malawi's environment. What initiative aims to plant and restore 30 million trees by 2030?

The Malawi 2063 Vision

Economy and Food

What is the main agricultural crop grown in Malawi, contributing significantly to the economy and food security?

Maize (corn)

Fair trade initiatives support small-scale farmers in Malawi. What popular export crop benefits from fair trade practices?


Fish from Lake Malawi is a vital source of protein for Malawians. What traditional smoking technique preserves fish for later consumption?


"Mandala" is a popular dish in Malawi. What does it typically consist of?

A thick porridge made from nsima (maize flour) served with vegetables or relish

"Kachasu" is a potent local drink enjoyed in Malawi. What is it made from?

Sugarcane or sorghum beer

Fun Facts

Malawi has a vibrant music scene. What unique genre combines elements of Malawian music with reggae and gospel influences?


Lake Malawi is home to numerous cichlid fish species that exhibit a fascinating behavior called "mouthbrooding." Can you guess what it involves?

Female cichlids carry fertilized eggs in their mouths to protect them until they hatch

Malawi's flag features a rising sun. What does this symbolize?

Hope and a new beginning for the nation