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Seeking intriguing trivia about Malta πŸ‡²πŸ‡Ή? Here are some questions!

Seeking intriguing trivia about Malta πŸ‡²πŸ‡Ή? Here are some questions!

Geography and History

Where is Malta located?

Malta is located in the Mediterranean Sea, south of Sicily (Italy). It is an archipelago consisting of three islands: Malta, Gozo, and Comino. It is situated east of Tunisia and north of Libya.

In which sea is Malta located?

The Mediterranean Sea.

What are the three main islands of Malta?

Malta, Gozo, and Comino.

Which island has the nickname "the green island"?


How many UNESCO World Heritage Sites does Malta have?

Three: The Δ¦al Saflieni Hypogeum, Valletta, and the seven Megalithic Temples.

Who were the first known inhabitants of Malta?

The Neolithic people who built the Megalithic Temples.

Which European country held the longest rule over Malta?

The United Kingdom, from 1814 to 1964.

When did Malta gain independence?

On September 21, 1964.

What is the capital city of Malta?


What is the nickname for the fortified city of Valletta?

"The City Built by Gentlemen for Gentlemen".

What is the oldest standing structure in Malta?

The megalithic temples of Δ¦agar Qim and Mnajdra, dating back to around 3600-3200 BC.

Culture and Language

What are the two official languages of Malta?

Maltese and English.

Maltese is a unique language. What language family does it belong to?

It is the only Semitic language with Latin script.

What is the national dish of Malta?

Fenek (rabbit) stew.

What is the traditional fishing boat of Malta called?

Luzzu, known for its colorful eyes painted on the bow.

What is the national sport of Malta?

Football (soccer).

What is a traditional Maltese celebration held in spring?

Festa, a religious feast dedicated to a particular saint, with colorful decorations and processions.

What is the name of the traditional Maltese balcony window?

Gallarija, often adorned with ornate wooden latticework.

What type of music is associated with Maltese folk festivals?

Għana, a traditional singing style.

What is a popular Maltese sweet treat?

Kannoli, filled with ricotta cheese and candied fruit.

What is a traditional Maltese game played during Christmas?

Tombola, similar to bingo.

Fun Facts and Oddities

Malta is known for its sunshine. How many hours of sunshine does it get on average per year?

Over 3,000 hours.

Malta has the highest density of megalithic temples in the world. How many temples are there?


Malta claims to have the oldest chewing gum in the world. How old is it?

Over 5,500 years old, made from birch tar.

The Azure Window was a famous natural arch on Gozo. What happened to it?

It collapsed into the sea in 2017.

Malta has a strong film industry. Which Hollywood movie was partly filmed there?

"Gladiator" (2000).

Malta is a popular diving destination. What is one of the most famous diving sites?

The Blue Hole, a sinkhole with clear blue water.

The Maltese Falcon is a famous detective novel. Where did the title character get his name?

From the Maltese falcon statuette in the story, inspired by the hunting bird native to Malta.

Malta has a unique postal system. What color are the standard mailboxes?

Bright orange.

Malta has a unique postal system. What is the traditional meaning behind the color of the standard mailboxes?

The bright orange color represents the setting sun over the Mediterranean Sea, a symbol of hope and warmth.


Malta is home to some of the oldest standing structures in the world. Can you name one older than the Pyramids of Giza?

The Δ¦agar Qim and Mnajdra megalithic temples are estimated to be around 500 years older than the Pyramids of Giza.