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Amazing Trivia About Colombia 🇨🇴

Amazing Trivia About Colombia 🇨🇴


Where is Colombia located?

Colombia is located in northern South America and is bordered by Panama to the northwest, Venezuela to the east, Brazil to the southeast, Peru to the south, Ecuador to the southwest, and Panama to the northwest. It also has coastlines along the Caribbean Sea to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the west.

What is the highest mountain peak in Colombia?

Pico Cristóbal Colón, reaching 18,700 feet

What is the name of the river that flows through Bogotá, the capital city?

The Bogotá River

Colombia is divided into how many departments?


Culture and History

What language is spoken by the majority of Colombians?


Which iconic city in Colombia is famous for its colorful houses and Carnival celebrations?


What is the name of the traditional dance of Colombia, known for its fast footwork and colorful skirts?


Who is the most famous Colombian writer, known for his magical realism novels?

Gabriel García Márquez

Who was the revolutionary leader who helped liberate Colombia from Spanish rule?

Simón Bolívar

Nature and Biodiversity

Colombia is considered one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. What type of animal is NOT found in Colombia?

Penguins (they prefer colder climates)

What unique ecosystem, made up of coral reefs and mangrove forests, can be found along the Colombian coast?

The Seaflower Biosphere Reserve

Which bird species, known for its vibrant plumage and long tail, is the national bird of Colombia?

The Andean condor

The world's largest wax palm forest is located in which Colombian region?

The Los Nevados National Park

Colombia is also known for its diverse coffee production. Which region is famous for its mild Arabica beans?

The Andean region

Food and Drink

What is the most popular breakfast dish in Colombia, often including milk and an egg?


Arepas are a staple food in Colombia. What are they made of?

Ground cornmeal

Bandeja paisa is a hearty dish from Medellín. What kind of meat is typically included?

Pork belly

Aguapanela is a popular Colombian drink made from what plant?


For a refreshing alcoholic beverage, Colombians often enjoy a drink called:

Viche (made with aguardiente, lime, and sugar)

Arts and Entertainment

What type of music originated in Colombia, characterized by its rhythmic accordion and upbeat tempo?


The Botero Museum in Bogotá is famous for its collection of works by which artist, known for his oversized sculptures?

Fernando Botero

Colombia has a thriving film industry. What movie won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in 2016?

Embrace of the Serpent

Coffee shops in Colombia are often popular gathering places. What popular game is commonly played there?

Tejo (throwing horseshoes at gunpowder targets)

Miss Colombia is a prestigious beauty pageant in the country. Which Colombian singer held the title in 1993?


Fun Facts

What does the yellow stripe on the Colombian flag represent?

Sun and wealth

Colombia is the second-largest producer of what fruit in the world?


In the city of Medellín, colorful escalators called Metrocables provide transportation up steep hills. How many Metrocables are there?


Colombia is nicknamed "the land of a thousand rhythms." Can you name another nickname?

"The flower of the Andes"