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Unique Trivia About Cuba ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡บ

Unique Trivia About Cuba ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡บ

Geography and Nature

Where is Cuba located?

Cuba is located in the Caribbean region and is the largest island in the Caribbean Sea. It is situated south of Florida, United States , and east of Mexico.

What iconic dance originated in eastern Cuba, known for its fast footwork and sensuality?


Which famous mountain range stretches across eastern Cuba, showcasing unique biodiversity and stunning landscapes?

Sierra Maestra

Home to one of the world's smallest frogs and the smallest bird, what animal is the national symbol of Cuba?

The Tocororo (Cuban trogon)

Beyond its white-sand beaches, what natural wonder in western Cuba is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with towering mogotes and lush valleys?

Viรฑales Valley

History and Culture

Which revolutionary leader overthrew the U.S.-backed Fulgencio Batista in 1959, ushering in a socialist era in Cuba?

Fidel Castro

Whose iconic image adorns countless souvenirs and murals throughout Cuba, with his beret and unwavering revolutionary spirit?

Ernesto "Che" Guevara

What musical genre, born in eastern Cuba and influenced by African rhythms, gained international popularity thanks to Buena Vista Social Club?

Son Cubano

Beyond salsa, what traditional Afro-Cuban dance form involves colorful costumes and rhythmic drumming, celebrating Cuban heritage?


Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which vibrant city in central Cuba boasts colonial architecture, cobbled streets, and musical pulsating from every corner?


Food and Drink

What is the national dish of Cuba, a hearty stew traditionally made with black beans, pork, and various vegetables?


Cuban cuisine often mixes African, Spanish, and Caribbean influences. What staple side dish, made from green plantains, accompanies many meals?

Tostones (fried plantains)

Beyond daiquiris, what refreshing Cuban cocktail combines white rum, grapefruit juice, sugar, and soda water, perfect for a hot day?


Known for its smooth taste and rich aroma, what globally renowned agricultural product is synonymous with Cuba?

Cuban cigars

Made from sugarcane juice, what sweet and fermented beverage is popular in Cuba and considered a national treasure?


Fun Facts

and Curiosities

What iconic American car remains a common sight on Cuban roads, often brightly colored and lovingly maintained?

Classic American cars from the 1950s and 60s

Cuba boasts one of the highest literacy rates in the world, thanks to extensive educational programs implemented after the revolution. What percentage of the population is literate?

Over 99%

Uniquely Cuban, what brightly painted dominoes are a common sight in parks and on street corners, where locals gather for passionate games?

Dominoes (double-six format)

Cuba has a thriving underground art scene, showcasing murals and graffiti in unexpected places. What is the name given to these street art creations?

Arte callejero (street art)

In Cuban slang, what term playfully references the resourcefulness and adaptability of Cubans in the face of economic challenges?

"Inventar" (to invent)

Bonus Round

What iconic ballet company, founded in 1959, is renowned for its technical prowess and passionate performances?

Ballet Nacional de Cuba

Known for its unique flavor and aroma, what type of coffee bean is grown in Cuba's eastern mountains?

Arabica beans

Cuba played a pivotal role in the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. What city is home to the Museum of the Revolution, chronicling this historical event?


Beyond Havana, what is the second-largest city in Cuba, known for its vibrant music scene and colonial architecture?

Santiago de Cuba