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The Ultimate Togo 🇹🇬 Trivia Questions: Surprising Facts

The Ultimate Togo 🇹🇬 Trivia Questions: Surprising Facts

Geography and Nature

Where is Togo located?

Togo is located in West Africa, bordered by Benin to the east, Burkina Faso to the north, and Ghana to the west. It has a coastline along the Gulf of Guinea to the south.

What is the official name of Togo?

Togolese Republic (République Togolaise)

What body of water forms Togo's southern border?

Gulf of Guinea

What is the highest mountain peak in Togo?

Mont Agou (986 meters)

What is the name of Togo's largest lake?

Lake Togo

What type of terrain covers most of Togo?

Savanna plains with some hills and plateaus

What are some of the endangered animals found in Togo?

Chimpanzees, African forest elephants, white-bellied pangolins

What is the official currency of Togo?

West African CFA franc (XOF)

What is the official language of Togo?

French (although several Indigenous languages are also spoken)

What is the capital of Togo?


What is the population of Togo?

Approximately 8.7 million (as of 2023)

Culture and History

What is the official motto of Togo?

Travail, Liberté, Patrie (Work, Liberty, Fatherland)

What is the main religion practiced in Togo?

Christianity (around 50%), followed by Islam and Indigenous religions

What is the national sport of Togo?

Football (soccer)

What is the name of Togo's national team in football?

Les Éperviers (The Hawks)

What is a traditional Togolese dish?

Fufu (cassava dumplings) with various sauces, like okra or peanut stew

What is a popular type of music in Togo?

Afrobeat, also influenced by traditional drumming and rhythms

What is a famous festival celebrated in Togo?

Fête du Vodoun (Voodoo Festival), a vibrant celebration of voodoo culture

What historical event led to Togo gaining independence?

Togo gained independence from France in 1960.

Who was the first president of independent Togo?

Sylvanus Olympio

What are some challenges faced by Togo today?

Poverty, corruption, limited access to healthcare and education.

Fun Facts

Togo is home to one of the largest markets in West Africa, known as Grand Marché de Lomé.

It is believed that the name "Togo" comes from a Togolese word meaning "land of lagoons."

Togo is home to a traditional wrestling style called "lutte traditionnelle," involving colorful costumes and energetic performance.

Mount Kpando, located in Togo, is believed to be the geographic center of West Africa.

Togo is nicknamed "La Terre de l'Or" (Land of Gold) due to its historical gold trade.

The village of Agbanake in Togo is known for its stilt houses built over Lake Togo.

Togo is home to a unique butterfly species known as the Togo skipper, found only in a small area of the country.

The flag of Togo features three horizontal stripes of green, yellow, and red, and a white star in the center.

Togo's national anthem is called "Terre de nos Aïeux" (Land of Our Ancestors).

The people of Togo are known for their warm hospitality and vibrant culture.