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Timor-Leste πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡± Trivia Questions: Ignite Your Curiosity

Timor-Leste πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡±  Trivia Questions: Ignite Your Curiosity

Geography and History:

Where is Timor-Leste located?

Timor-Leste, also known as East Timor, is located in Southeast Asia, occupying the eastern half of the island of Timor, as well as nearby islands. It shares the island of Timor with Indonesia to the west and is located northwest of Australia.

What was the colonial name of Timor-Leste?

Portuguese Timor was the colonial name of Timor-Leste from the 16th century until 1975.

When did Timor-Leste gain independence?

Timor-Leste declared independence in 2002, after a long struggle for freedom from Indonesian occupation.

What is the capital of Timor-Leste?

Dili is the capital and largest city of Timor-Leste.

What is the highest mountain in Timor-Leste?

Mount Ramelau, also known as Pico Ramelau, is the highest mountain in Timor-Leste, reaching an elevation of 2,963 meters.

Culture and Language:

What are the official languages of Timor-Leste?

Tetum and Portuguese are the official languages of Timor-Leste.

What is the dominant religion in Timor-Leste?

Roman Catholicism is the dominant religion in Timor-Leste, practiced by over 90% of the population.

What is a traditional Timorese dance known for its elaborate costumes and headgear?

The "dança tabu" is a traditional Timorese dance known for its colorful costumes and intricate headpieces, often featuring feathers and beads.

What is a popular Timorese dish made with cassava, coconut milk, and vegetables?

"Bubur kacang hijau" is a popular Timorese dish made with mashed green beans, coconut milk, and spices.

What is a traditional Timorese house with thatched roofs and walls made from natural materials?

A "los" is a traditional Timorese house with thatched roofs and walls made from bamboo or clay.

Nature and Wildlife:

What is a unique marine mammal found in Timorese waters, known for its distinctive "singing" sounds?

The omura's whale, a type of beaked whale known for its complex vocalizations, is found in Timorese waters.

What is a protected reserve in Timor-Leste known for its rich biodiversity and endemic species?

The Nino Konis Santana National Park is a protected reserve in Timor-Leste, home to many unique plant and animal species, including the Timor sparrow and the Timor hawk owl.

What is a type of tree native to Timor-Leste with brightly colored flowers and fruit used for making a local coffee?

The "kafe Timor" tree is native to Timor-Leste and its fruit is used to make a unique and flavorful coffee.

What is a popular diving destination in Timor-Leste known for its coral reefs and underwater caves?

Tutuala Beach is a popular diving destination in Timor-Leste, offering underwater wonders such as coral reefs, diverse marine life, and even underwater caves.

What is a unique type of seaweed found in Timorese waters prized for its nutritional value and used in traditional medicine?

Euchema, a type of seaweed, grows abundantly in Timorese waters and is valued for its high iodine content and use in traditional medicine.

Economy and Politics:

What is the official currency of Timor-Leste?

The United States dollar (USD) is the official currency of Timor-Leste.

What is the main export of Timor-Leste?

Petroleum and natural gas are the main exports of Timor-Leste.

What is the national motto of Timor-Leste?

"Honra, PΓ‘tria, Povo, Trabalho" translates to "Honor, Nation, People, Work" and is the national motto of Timor-Leste.

What is a traditional Timorese martial art known for its focus on self-defense and hand-to-hand combat?

Silat is a martial art that originated in the Malay Archipelago and is practiced in Timore. It is a form of physical and spiritual training that includes traditional Malay clothing, musical instruments, and customs.