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Must-Know Trivia Nuggets about Indonesia 🇮🇩

Must-Know Trivia Nuggets about Indonesia 🇮🇩

Geography and Nature

Where is Indonesia located?

Indonesia is located in Southeast Asia and is composed of thousands of islands, spanning between mainland Asia and Australia. It shares land borders with Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, and Malaysia, and maritime borders with Singapore, the Philippines, Australia, and India. It is the world's largest island country and is located between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

How many islands make up the archipelago of Indonesia?

Around 17,504, though the exact number can vary depending on how islands are counted.

Which island is the most populous in Indonesia?

Java, home to over half the country's population.

What is the tallest mountain in Indonesia?

Puncak Jaya in West Papua, with a height of 4,884 meters.

Indonesia is home to many active volcanoes. What is the name of the most famous one?

Mount Krakatoa, known for its devastating eruption in 1883.

The Komodo dragon, a giant lizard, is found in which Indonesian island?

Komodo Island, part of the Komodo National Park.

Culture and History

What is the official language of Indonesia?

Bahasa Indonesia, although over 700 other languages are spoken across the islands.

What is the main religion practiced in Indonesia?

Islam, with around 88% of the population identifying as Muslim.

The ancient temple complex of Borobudur is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. What religion is it associated with?

Mahayana Buddhism.

Wayang kulit is a traditional shadow puppet performance art form. What material are the puppets made of?

Thin, elaborately decorated leather.

Angklung is a popular bamboo musical instrument in Indonesia. How are the angklung tuned?

By cutting different lengths of bamboo tubes, each producing a distinct pitch.

Food and Fun Facts

What is the national dish of Indonesia?

Nasi goreng, fried rice with various ingredients like egg, meat, vegetables, and spices.

Kopi Luwak is a rare and expensive coffee produced in Indonesia. What makes it unique?

It is processed through the digestive system of the Asian palm civet.

Indonesia is the world's largest producer of which spice?


The Indonesian martial art Pencak Silat is a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. What are some of its key features?

Focus on self-defense, intricate movements, and weapon use.

Gamelan is a traditional Indonesian ensemble music featuring various instruments. Which one has the most prominent sound?

The gong, often used to mark transitions or emphasize important moments.

Bonus Questions

What is the meaning of the colors on the Indonesian flag?

Red symbolizes courage and blood shed for independence, white signifies purity and honesty.

Which animal appears on the Indonesian coat of arms?

The mythical Garuda, a giant bird-like creature.

When does Indonesia celebrate its Independence Day?

August 17th.

What is the capital city of Indonesia?

Jakarta, although the government is planning to move it to Nusantara.

What is the currency of Indonesia?

The Indonesian rupiah (IDR).

Batik is a traditional Indonesian technique for dyeing fabric. What is the resist method used?

Wax is applied to certain areas, preventing dye from reaching them and creating patterns.

Indonesia is a biodiversity hotspot. What is the national flower?

The jasmine flower (Melati).

The island of Bali is a popular tourist destination known for its beaches, temples, and culture. What is the Balinese New Year called?

Nyepi, a day of silence and introspection.

Indonesia has a rich tradition of puppetry. Besides wayang kulit, what other types of puppetry are popular?

Sundanese wayang golek (wooden puppets), Javanese wayang beber (scroll puppets), and Balinese wayang poteh (rod puppets).

The Indonesian archipelago sits on the "Ring of Fire," making it prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. What is the Indonesian word for earthquake?

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