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Did you know these fascinating trivia tidbits about Nauru 🇳🇷?

Did you know these fascinating trivia tidbits about Nauru 🇳🇷?

1. Where is Nauru located?

Nauru is located in the Pacific Ocean, northeast of Australia. It is situated south of the Marshall Islands.

2. What is the official language of Nauru?

Nauruan and English

3. What is the smallest independent country in the world by land area?


4. What is the name of Nauru's capital city?


5. What is the highest point on Nauru?

Buada Hill (65 feet/20 meters)

6. What type of climate does Nauru have?

Tropical, with high humidity and frequent rain

7. What is the main religion practiced in Nauru?

Christianity (mostly Protestant)

8. What is the name of Nauru's national airline?

Our Airline (formerly Air Nauru)

9. What is the official currency of Nauru?

The Australian dollar

10. What is the main export of Nauru?

Phosphate (historically, currently minimal exports)

11. What is the estimated population of Nauru?

Approximately 11,300

12. What is the literacy rate in Nauru?

Over 99%

13. What is the national sport of Nauru?


14. What is the Nauruan word for "thank you"?

Yokwe yuo

15. What is the name of the lagoon located in the center of Nauru?

Buada Lagoon

16. What is the nickname for Nauru?

The Pleasant Island

17. What is a traditional Nauruan dish?

Ibui nane (mashed taro leaves and coconut milk)

18. What is the name of Nauru's national bird?

Nauruan frigatebird

19. What is the main material used for traditional Nauruan houses?


20. What is the name of the annual cultural festival held in Nauru?

Hiri ni Mweang (Independence Day celebrations)

21. When did Nauru gain independence from Australia?

January 31, 1968

22. What is the current form of government in Nauru?

Parliamentary republic

23. What is the name of the tallest building in Nauru?

Fakaofo Government Building

24. What is the national flower of Nauru?

Pisonia grandis (Feahi)

25. What is the main threat to Nauru's environment?

Sea level rise due to climate change

26. What is the official currency used in Nauru in addition to the Australian dollar?

The Nauruan dollar (although not in regular circulation)

27. What is the name of the airport located on Nauru?

Yaren International Airport

28. What is the main mode of transportation on Nauru?

Cars and trucks

29. What is a unique feature of Nauru's landscape?

Buada Lagoon, a saltwater lake in the center of the island

30. What is the significance of the 12 stars on Nauru's flag?

They represent the 12 original tribes of Nauru