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What are some interesting trivia facts about New Zealand ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฟ?

What are some interesting trivia facts about New Zealand ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฟ?

Where is New Zealand located?

New Zealand is located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, southeast of Australia. It consists of two main landmassesโ€”the North Island and the South Islandโ€”along with numerous smaller islands.

What is the nickname for someone from New Zealand?


What is the Maori name for New Zealand, and what does it mean?

Aotearoa, meaning "The Land of the Long White Cloud"

Which flightless bird is a national symbol of New Zealand?

The kiwi

Which two main islands make up New Zealand?

The North Island and the South Island

What is the capital city of New Zealand?


Wellington is located on the southern tip of what island?

The North Island

Which city is known as the "Queenstown of the North"?


What is the tallest mountain in New Zealand?

Aoraki/Mount Cook

What percentage of New Zealand's land area is protected as national parks and reserves?

Approximately 33%

What is the name of the world's longest sand spit located in New Zealand?

The Farewell Spit

Which flightless bird, sadly extinct, was once the largest bird in New Zealand?

The moa

What is the Maori symbol for peace and strength?

The hei tiki, a greenstone pendant

What is the traditional Maori greeting?

Hongi, a pressing of noses and foreheads

New Zealand is known for its stunning scenery. What famous film trilogy was largely filmed there?

The Lord of the Rings

What unique sport was invented in New Zealand?

Bungee jumping

What is the national sport of New Zealand?

Rugby union

Which native fern is depicted on the New Zealand $10 note?

The koru

What is the name of the iconic ferry that crosses the Cook Strait between the North and South Islands?


New Zealand is known for its vibrant geothermal activity. Which region is home to the famous Roturua mud pools and geysers?

Bay of Plenty

What is the name of the world's smallest dolphin found in New Zealand waters?

The Hector's dolphin

New Zealand has a unique kiwi fruit industry. What was the original name for this fruit before it was marketed as kiwi?

Chinese gooseberry

Which city in New Zealand hosts the world-famous Cadbury chocolate factory?


What is the name of the iconic flightless bird sanctuary on Kapiti Island near Wellington?


New Zealand is home to a variety of penguins. Which species is the largest, and where are they found?

Emperor penguins; they breed on the subantarctic islands like Campbell Island

What is the name of the iconic long-distance hiking trail that stretches the length of the South Island?

Te Araroa Trail

New Zealand is known for its creative film industry. Which director made the award-winning films "The Piano" and "Heavenly Creatures"?

Jane Campion

Which native bird is known for its haunting call and is considered a taonga, or treasure, by Maori?

The kakapo

What is the name of the largest lake in New Zealand?

Lake Taupo

New Zealand is known for its commitment to sustainability. What was the first country in the world to grant legal rights to a natural feature?

The Whanganui River in 2017