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What are some interesting trivia facts about North Korea 🇰🇵?

What are some interesting trivia facts about North Korea 🇰🇵?

History and Politics:

What is the official name of North Korea?

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)

In what year was North Korea officially founded?


Who currently leads North Korea?

Kim Jong-un

The Kim family has ruled North Korea for how many generations?


What is the official ideology of North Korea?

Juche, a blend of nationalism and self-reliance

North Korea and South Korea are still technically at war. When did the Korean War begin?


What is the heavily fortified border between North and South Korea called?

The Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)

Culture and Society:

What is the official language of North Korea?


What is the largest holiday celebrated in North Korea?

Kim Il-sung's birthday, known as Day of the Sun

North Korea has its own time zone. What is it called?

Pyongyang Time (UTC+8:30)

What is the most popular sport in North Korea?

Football (soccer)

North Korea has a unique system of mass gymnastics called what?

Arirang Mass Games

What is the currency of North Korea?

The North Korean won

Geography and Economy:

Where is North Korea located?

North Korea, officially known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), is located in East Asia and occupies the northern half of the Korean Peninsula. It is bordered by South Korea to the south, China to the northwest, and Russia to the northeast. It has coastlines along the Sea of Japan and the Yellow Sea.

What is the capital of North Korea?


What is the highest mountain in North Korea?

Mount Paektu

What is the main agricultural product of North Korea?


North Korea's economy is heavily reliant on what industry?

Military spending and mining

What is the main source of electricity in North Korea?


International Relations and Controversies:

North Korea has been condemned for its human rights record. What is one example of a human rights violation?

The use of political prison camps

North Korea has conducted how many nuclear tests?

Six (as of January 2024)

What is the name of the UN Security Council resolution that imposes sanctions on North Korea?

Resolution 1718

In what year did North Korea launch its first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM)?


Who are North Korea's closest allies?

China and Russia

Interesting Facts:

North Korea has its own internet domain. What is it?


What is the official propaganda media outlet of North Korea?

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA)

North Korea has built several large amusement parks. What is the name of the most famous one?

Ryanggang Land

Kim Jong-un is known for his love of what luxury item?

Swiss cheese

North Korea has its own version of Monopoly, but what does it celebrate instead of wealth?

Military achievements

There is a small village in North Korea called what, which translates to "Paradise on Earth"?


North Korea claims to have invented what two popular foods?

Pizza and the hamburger