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Nigeria 🇳🇬 Unveiled: Trivia and Beyond

Nigeria 🇳🇬 Unveiled: Trivia and Beyond

Geography and Nature

Where is Nigeria located?

Nigeria is located in West Africa and is bordered by Niger to the north, Chad to the northeast, Cameroon to the east, and Benin to the west. It also shares maritime borders with Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and São Tomé and Príncipe.

What is the highest mountain in Nigeria?

Vogel Peak, located in Taraba State, stands at 2,073 meters (6,801 feet).

How many major rivers flow through Nigeria?

Two: the Niger River and the Benue River, which are both major waterways and sources of life for the country.

What is the name of the vast desert that touches Nigeria's northern border?

The Sahara Desert stretches across much of North Africa, and its southernmost edge reaches into northern Nigeria.

What is the largest national park in Nigeria?

Cross River National Park, located in the southeastern part of the country, is known for its biodiversity and rainforests.

What is the nickname for Lagos, the most populous city in Nigeria?

Lagos is often called "Eko" or "Eko Ile," which means "The Great City" in Yoruba.

History and Culture

In what year did Nigeria gain independence from British colonial rule?

Nigeria became an independent nation on October 1, 1960.

What are the three largest ethnic groups in Nigeria?

Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo are the three most populous ethnic groups, each with distinct cultures and languages.

What is the name of the traditional garment worn by many Nigerian women?

The "iro" and "buba" are a two-piece ensemble, with the "iro" being a wrapped skirt and the "buba" being a loose-fitting blouse.

What is the most popular sport in Nigeria?

Football (soccer) is by far the most popular sport in Nigeria, with a passionate national team and many talented players.

What is the name of the famous Nigerian mask known for its expressive features?

The Ibibio Ibom mask, made from wood and carved with exaggerated features, is a powerful symbol of the Ibibio people.

Food and Music

What is the most popular staple food in Nigeria?

Pounded yam (fufu) is a starchy dish made from mashed yams, often served with soups and stews.

What is the spicy stew or soup commonly enjoyed in Nigeria?

Pepper soup, made with tomatoes, chili peppers, and meat or fish, is a flavorful dish enjoyed across the country.

What is the name of the popular Nigerian street food made from fried dough?

Boli or puff-puff are deep-fried balls of dough, often served with sugar or savory toppings.

What is the name of the vibrant Nigerian music genre known for its percussion and complex beats?

Afrobeat is a dynamic music genre with roots in traditional Yoruba music, known for its energetic rhythms and political messages.

Who is one of the most famous Nigerian musical artists internationally?

Fela Kuti, the "Father of Afrobeat," is a globally recognized musician known for his innovative sound and activism.

Economy and Science

What is Nigeria's main source of income?

Nigeria is a major oil producer, and oil exports are a significant part of the country's economy.

What is the name of Nigeria's currency?

The Nigerian naira (₦) is the official currency of the country.

Which Nigerian city is considered the "Silicon Valley" of the country?

Yaba, in Lagos, is a hub for tech startups and innovation, earning it the nickname "Yabacon Valley".

What is the name of the first Nigerian astronaut?

Air Vice Marshal Mamman Vasta became the first Nigerian in space in 1992, flying on the Russian Soyuz TM-13 mission.

What is the name of the Nigerian novelist who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1986?

Wole Soyinka is a renowned writer, playwright, and activist who received the Nobel Prize for his literary achievements.

Entertainment and Trivia

What is the name of the popular Nollywood film industry in Nigeria?

Nollywood is the second-largest film industry in the world by number of films produced, known for its vibrant and diverse stories.